Shareholder Action Group

16 days ago

Winnileaks EXCLUSIVE: Three Letters from the Canadian Overseas Shareholder Action Group to the FCA, advisors and the company

For all the bluster I am more and more convinced that the Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) Shareholder Action Group (SAG) are just a bunch of crybaby losers who cannot accept that they ignored numerous warnings from myself and others ( abusing me on social media for being wrong) about how bad the assets and management of Canadian were and how it would end in tears. The letter it has sent to the FCA is to a generic address. That is a sign that these losers are just scrabbling around. The failure of the SAG to understand how a death spiral works and what a breach of covenant means is another sign of how utterly clueless they are. Anyhow, thanks to Winnileaks, I have three emails sent in the past 14 days. 1 to the FCA, 2 to advisors and a third to the company. Enjoy.


17 days ago

Canadian Overseas cry babies – your mega losses are YOUR fault, not that of the board

I return to the pathetic cry babies at the Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) Shareholder Action Group blaming, as you can see below, their humungous losses on the board. Man up losers: the folks who are to blame for those losses are YOU. Take responsibility for your own stupidity.


1471 days ago

Breaking: Sound Energy Action Group 4 hour meet with Directors planned for Monday

These days the Sound Energy (SOU) Shareholder Group (SAG) speaks for around 12% of the, almost certainly worthless, equity. As such it cannot be totally ignored by the discredited management and on Monday a 4 hour conference call with Graham Lyons, Chairman, and Mohammed Seghiri CEO is scheduled to take place at 10.30 AM. But what is the point?


2822 days ago

Worthington Shareholders Form Action Group, Titanic passengers on iceberg do same

It might seem like a cunning plan to those who are dim enough to own shares in the fraud that is Worthington Group (WRN) but it is not going to get them very far. They have formed an action group and even set up their own website harvesting names which will only be passed to er....Worthington Group. Oh great let me sign up, I really want Craig Whyte, Aiden Earley & Doug Ware having all my details...can I give them access to my bank account as well?


3524 days ago

Red Emperor – back the Shareholder Action Group if it shows spine and pushes to oust useless CEO

I am alerted to the fact that a shareholder action group has been set up to call an EGM at Red Emperor (RMP) to try to hold useless CEO Greg Bandy to account.  I am afraid that is not enough, shareholders should have a clear agenda which should be:
